Menu Price Inflation Continues Slower Than Grocery Prices

Menu Price Inflation Continues Slower Than Grocery Prices

Food prices continue to rise significantly, but the rate of increase seems to be peaking. There continues, however, to be a disconnect between the rate of inflation between grocery and menu prices. In January, at-home food prices rose at an 11.3% annual rate. This is...


We’re excited to announce that we have expanded to the great state of Florida! We will now be servicing Florida in the Panhandle region out of Tallahassee. Fastcility is dedicated to helping major chains and mom-and-pop grocery, retail, hospitality, convenience...
Fastcility’s Biggest Stories for 2022

Fastcility’s Biggest Stories for 2022

This year has been packed full of headlines that have impacted our customers. We’ve been proud to cover relevant news here in the blog, not only about food and beverage but also about the economy as a whole. We’ve also been excited about Fastcility’s expansion into...
Thanksgiving Will Be Expensive, Should We Eat Out?

Thanksgiving Will Be Expensive, Should We Eat Out?

Inflation has been in the headlines all year so how are consumers dealing with it? How are restaurants coping? Each month this year businesses and the government have been focused on how inflation compares to the same month last year. All consumers seem to know is...
Top Hot Dining Trends for 2023 – Take Out, or Dine-In?

Top Hot Dining Trends for 2023 – Take Out, or Dine-In?

Restaurants have really been challenged in the last few years. Survival has been top-of-mind, but what about looking forward to seeing what happens next? Interestingly two opposing priorities seem to be on diners’ minds. Most of the problems affecting restaurants are...